The League of Friends of
Bexhill Hospital -
Working for the good of
Local patients since 1952

5 new Dialysis machines for the Renal Unit

To Join as a member or Donate on Total Giving
WITH 180 sessions a week, the renal dialysis unit is one of the busiest departments at Bexhill Hospital. It is no wonder therefore that heavily-used equipment has to be replaced.
The League of Friends of Bexhill Hospital has supported the unit since its inception.
When members of the League's general committee were told by unit manager Jenny Widgery last July that five of the dialysis machines the league had provided some years ago had undertaken 40,000 cycles each and were ageing they voted £52,000 to replace them.
Members made another swift decision when they visited the unit on Monday January 23rd to see the new machines in action. Jenny needs five new specialised chairs, costing around £2,500 each. League Chairman Stuart Earl consulted colleagues and told Jenny that, in principle, the committee would be delighted to stump up the £12,500 once it had received the necessary paperwork.
The Bexhill unit serves as a local hub for the county's main renal dialysis service at the Royal Sussex County Hospital at Brighton. For patients like Harry Monks, who has used the Bexhill unit for the past 11 years, the local service saves him making the time-consuming journey to Brighton three days a week.
Harry was hooked up to one of the newly-provided machines when the league members made their visit. Asked what a difference the local service had made to his life, he said: “All the difference. It's lovely here, isn't it? “Thank you very much for all you do.
You have done us proud over the years.” The unit operates six days a week, caring for the needs of 59 local patients like Harry. Jenny Widgery explained that the main ward has 10 dialysis machines with a further four in a side room and another two in a further adjoining room.

Reg. CIO Charity No 1169175 Sunbeams 41 Broad Oak Lane Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 4LG Email